Los gustos y disgustos de Zane

A Zane le gusta hablar por telephono con su novia todos los dias.  A Zane le gusta jugar a los deportes el viernes.  A Zane le  nunca gusta tirar interceptacions.  A Zane le gusta su equipo.  A Zane le gusta comer bistec.  A Zane le disgusta comer espinacas.  A Zane le gusta White Oak.  A Zane le disgusta New Diana.

Mis Gustos

In this project, I wrote 7 sentences about likes and dislikes.  Also, I wrote an introductory and closing statement.  The first 3 of the 7 sentences were about me; while the other 4 were about my friends or family.  I enjoyed this project, because it was not that hard.  I did not learn much from this project, because I had already grasped the concept.